Rapid Product and Process Development (RPD) Center
Latest News from RPD Center
Dr. Asiabanpour Won 2022 SME Distinguished Faculty Advisor Award

Dr. Asiabanpour Won 2021 College Achievement Award for Excellence in Scholarly/Creative Activities

Zaid Almusaied Won 2021 Best Presentation Award at International Graduate Conference

Dr. Asiabanpour Won 2020 SME Distinguished Faculty Advisor Award

Otto Randolph Won the Best Paper Award at the 2020 IISE Conference Modeling & Simulation

Otto Randolph, Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Masters Student, won the Best Student Paper Award for the paper entitled "Energy Consumption Optimization in Off-Grid Vertical Farming” at the 2020 IISE conference Modeling & Simulation Division.
This research was under the EverGreen project funded by USDA and led by Dr. Asiabanpour.
Fatema Tuz Zohra Won First Place Award at the Aerodef-SME R & D Speed Presentation 2020

Fatema Tuz Zohra, Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Masters Student, won the top spot and cash award in graduate category (MS and PhD) at the Inaugural Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) Research and Development Competition 2020.
This research was under the EverGreen project funded by USDA and led by Dr. Asiabanpour.
Faraz Moghimi was featured in TX State Newsroom

International graduate student conducts research on vertical farming
Maria Gomez | June 9, 2020
Faraz Moghimi, a Texas State graduate student pursuing his Master’s in Engineering, conducted research on the economic prospect of vertical farming as a possibly more sustainable way of agriculture.
“We live in an era that sustainability and environmental hazards are proving to be an immense issue. Agriculture is one of the important parts of this issue. I personally believe that exploring new sustainable technologies must be complemented with a deep dive into the economics side of things to work,” said Moghimi. Continue
Undergraduate Student Team Won Second Place Award at the Aerodef-SME R & D Speed Presentation 2020
In the undergraduate category, a team of MFGE and IE undergraduate engineering students including, Brent Newberry-Olson, Genisis Segundo, Johnisa Nauling won the second spot and cash award at SME Research and Development Competition 2020 in the undergraduate category.
This research was under the EverGreen project funded by USDA and led by Dr. Asiabanpour.

Faraz Moghimi Won the 2020 Texas State 3MT® University Final Runner-Up!
Engineering student and RPD lab researcher Faraz Moghimi won runner-up award at 3 Minutes Thesis (3MT) 2020 presentation competition at Texas State University.

Dr. Asiabanpour awarded the title of Honorary Professor of International Studies

Dr. Asiabanpour was awarded the title of Honorary Professor of International Studies by the The Center for International Studies at Texas State University.
The title is for life and awarded to the full professors with interest in international studies as indicated in research, teaching, and service activities.
EverGreen and RPD labs
Fatema Tuz Zohra joins Alpha Chi Honor Society
Graduate student Fatema Tuz Zohra elected as a member of Alpha Chi National College Honor Society.

Fatema Tuz Zohra received Outstanding Achievement in International Education Award
Fatema Tuz Zohra received Outstanding Achievement in International Education Award from International Students and Scholars Services, Texas State University, 2019.

Dr. Asiabanpour Awarded as "Favorite Professor 2019"
Dr. Asiabanpour was awarded with The Alfred H. Nolle Chapter of the Alpha Chi National College Honor Society Favorite Professor 2019!

Allison Manning and Riley Horner Won Top Two spots at AERODEF 2019
Engineering students led by Dr. Asiabanpour had an excellent performance in Aerodef2019 conference student competition in Long Beach, CA by winning #1 and #2 spots in undergraduate category.
Allison Manning, a sophomore manufacturing engineering major won top spot in undergraduate category. In overall competition she was also first runner up.
Riley Horner, also an undergraduate manufacturing engineering major, won #2 spot in undergraduate category and second runner up overall.

Dr. Asiabanpour won 2018 Mariel M. Muir Excellence in Mentoring Award

Dr. Asiabanpour won Texas State 2018 Mariel M. Muir Excellence in Mentoring Award. The award is based on the following demonstrated criteria:
- critical support that assists the mentee(s) in functioning effectively in the organization;
- sustained commitment to a professional relationship with an individual or individuals that results in career growth or the personal development of mentee(s); and
- behavior, attitudes, and/or skills that aid mentee(s) in achieving competence, confidence, and professional standing.
Natalie Ownby won Award at The International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology
Natalie Ownby won 3rd place award for the research work entitled "Smart Sensing and Control of Thermoelectric Coolers for Atmospheric Water Generation" at the Ninth International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology in Houston Texas 2018. Other contributors were Melina Mijares, Mark Summers, and Bahram Asiabanpour.

Dr. Asiabanpour gave Keynote talk at ICEST2018 opening

Dr. Asiabanpour gave Keynote talk entitled Engineering Applications in Food, Energy, and Water Nexus at The Ninth International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology 2018 in houston Texas.
Olaoluwa (Diola) Aina won Texas State Undergraduate Research Conference 2018 Top Award
Olaoluwa Aina (supervised by Mark Summers) is the Co-winner of the Texas State Undergraduate Research Conference 2018 Award for the work: Computational Fluid Dynamics Study of an Atmospheric Water Generator (among more than 100 submissions)

Riley Horner Won the Best Undergraduate Poster Award at Aerodef 2018
Undergraduate manufacturing engineering major Riley Horner was awarded with best undergraduate poster award at Aerodef 2018 conference in Long Beach, CA.

Riley Horner and Elizabeth Alvizo Won People's Choice Award and Judges' 3rd Place at WISE 2018 Conference
Congratulations to Riley and Elizabeth for their paper entitled "Engineering Approach Used in Hydroponic Design and Automation" by winning People's Choice Award and 3rd place judges' award!

Dr. Asiabanpour Recognized for SME 2017 Distinguished Faculty Advisor Award
SME selected four university professors to receive its 2017 Distinguished Faculty Advisor Award. The advisors, who provide direct oversight to SME’s student chapters at universities throughout the country, offer their guidance and support to student chapter leaders to ensure their professional growth and the success of the chapter itself.
“This year’s four, award-winning faculty advisors are working diligently with our student members to assure they have a clear and successful career path into manufacturing,” said Michael Watson, LSME, chair of SME’s Student Relations Committee. “This recognition, and its award, offer the additional tools needed to help them bridge the gap between academics and industry.”
2017 Distinguished Faculty Advisors:
- Neil Littell, PhD, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio
- Bahram Asiabanpour, PhD, CMfgE, Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas
- Reza Ghodsi, PhD, Central Connecticut State University, New Britain, Connecticut
- Yalcin Ertekin, PhD, CMfgE, Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Zaid Almusaied Joins The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi

Zaid Almusaied, PhD student in MSEC program and RPD researcher, joined the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi. Membership in this society is by invitation only, by an established campus chapter, and is restricted to students with integrity and high ethical standards and who are ranked scholastically in the top of their class, regardless of field of study: the top 7.5 percent of second-semester university juniors and the top 10 percent of seniors and graduate students.
Zaid Almusaied Joins The Golden Key International Honour Society

Zaid Almusaied, PhD student in MSEC program and RPD researcher, joined the Golden Key International Honour Society. Membership into Golden Key is offered to undergraduate and graduate students recognized to be among the top 15% of their class by GPA.
Four RPD students featured in REU SURE video
Four students (Riley Horner, Kyle Davidson, Katherine Casey, Mohamed Sghari) under Dr. Asiabanpour supervision featured in REU SURE video, Summer 2017.

Dr. Asiabanpour featured in inaugural issue of Engaging Research

Dr. Asiabanpour featured as one of four faculty in inaugural issue of Engaging Research who all have been successful in developing research programs that have great impact and share some advice and lessons learned about how to develop a meaningful research agenda.
RPD student teams won three awards in three conferences
- Award: Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Conference 2017 People's Choice Award: Kyle August (presenter), Michelle Mata, Celina Gonzalez, for the work "Factors That Affect Surface Temperature in Peltier Devices," 2017.
- Best Poster Award:Texas State Undergraduate Research conference 2017: Marcus Mitchel, Smauel Medicino, Zaid Almusaied, for the work: Thermo-acoustic Refrigeration System.
- Award / Honor Recipient: undergraduate student (Nicholas Hawkes) won Texas State Undergraduate Research Conference 2016 best poster award for the NASA Space Box project.

Dr. Asiabanpour Named IJRapidM Editor-In-Chief
Dr. Bahram Asiabanpour, Manufacturing Engineering faculty of the Ingram School of Engineering, has been appointed as the editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Rapid Manufacturing (IJRapidM).
Founded in 2009, IJRapidM addresses the advancement of Rapid Response to Manufacturing, especially engineering design and rapid manufacturing in an integrated form. IJRapidM currently has 35 reputable editorial members from prominent international institutions and universities. It is a peer-reviewed journal by the Inderscience Publishers, an academic publisher since 1979.

Students Shine at NASA Design Challenge Showcase by winning three top awards
Manufacturing Engineering "TX STATE MARS DRILLERS" team from the Ingram School of Engineering shined at the NASA Texas Space Grant Consortium (TSGC) Design challenge 2014 showcase. Their excellent performance led to winning the top overall design team, best model, and best poster awards!
Team members included Bryan R. Avila (team leader), Timothy Hartline, Patrick Stalnaker, and Dillon Sterling.
The project included developing and demonstrating a concept for a fully robotic drill capable of reaching at least 20 meters in depth on the planet Mars that would also allow for cutting of cylindrical samples.
“I am especially proud of this team. I have been doing this for a number of years, and this is one of the best, if not the best, team that I have ever mentored. I was truly impressed.” said Dr. Humboldt C. Mandell, from the University of Texas Center for Space Research and NASA-TSGC mentor for the team.
“Anytime our students have participated in a regional or national level competition, they have had great performance. And it is not an accidental performance in a lucky day. It reflects the quality of educations in our programs that are provided to these students.” said Dr. Asiabanpour, advisor for the team and manufacturing engineering senior design course instructor

Dr. Asiabanpour receives faculty award from SME
Dr. Bahram Asiabanpour, an associate professor in Texas State University’s Ingram School of Engineering, has received the inaugural Faculty Advisor Professional Development Award from the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME).
Asiabanpour, a faculty advisor for the student chapter of SME at Texas State, received an award of $1,000 to be used in support of professional development.
The SME Student Relations Committee created the award “to recognize educators committed to the next generation of manufacturing professionals,” according to a press release. Faculty members receiving the award serve as advisors to SME and SME student chapters at their universities. This is the first year the award has been given.
“We’re pleased to recognize these dedicated faculty advisors who are committed to their students,” said Raju Dandu of Kansas State University-Salina, chair of the SME Student Relations Committee. “Each of this year’s awardees has indicated that their winnings will be shared with their students through the acquisition of more tools and hands-on experience to assist them in the real world.”

RPD center project featured in KXAN Austin news
Four students in Dr. Bahram Asiabanpour's MFGE4363 class are "building" their senior design project around the special needs of the physically challenged. The project sponsor is retired Air Force captain, Christopher Stanford; he is also a disabled veteran. Stanford has a degree in biomedical engineering and is designing a special platform that allows wheelchair users access to exercise. The Ingram School of Engineering student project team is comprised of Jephte Medois, Jon Lightfield, Aaron Sosa, and Justin Henry. KXAN-Austin recently covered their story as a feature for Veteran's Day.
Student team won SME international competition award
Undergraduate team that won: Second Place. "Toyota production Line Fixture Design," SME International Competition (2012). Student(s): Ralph Schultz, Hector Avila, Megan Taylor, Esmer Trevino

Dr. Asiabanpour received CMfgE in Automation and Control title from SME
2010: Dr. Asiabanpour was recognized as the Certified Manufacturing Engineer (CMfgE) by the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME). This certification was granted “through education, experience and demonstrated ability” (a technical exam consists of 130 questions in a three-hour time period).