Awards and Honors
College Achievement Award Dr. Asiabanpour Won 2021 College Achievement Award for Excellence in Scholarly/Creative Activities, 2021.
Top Presentation Award. Zaid Almusaied, Won 2021 Top Presentation Award in Ph.D. category at Texas State International Graduate Conference, 2021.
2nd Place Award, Hannah Hughes (Lead Presenter), Iqra Amjad, Stephen Smyth, Elijah Wheat, Muzaffer Akanda, Bahram Asiabanpour, and Mar Huertas, Won 2nd place in the student poster competition, Aquaculture America 2021 conference, San Antonio, TX, 2021.
Best Paper Award. Otto Randolph, Won 2020 IISE Modeling & Simulation Division Best Student Paper Award, 2020.
Top Award. Fatema Tuz Zohra, Won first place in 2020 Aerodef-SME research competition in the graduate category, 2020.
Fellowship. Fatema Tuz Zohra received Texas State Doctoral Merit Fellowship ($9000) along with her admission to the Ph.D. program in Materials Science, Engineering, and Commercialization (MSEC) at Texas State University, 2020.
Scholarship. Fatema Tuz Zohra received the Texas State Student Government Scholarship, 2020.
Runner-up Award. Brent Newberry-Olson, Genisis Segundo, Johnisa Hauling, Won the second place in 2020 Aerodef-SME research competition in the undergraduate category, 2020.
Runner-up Award. Faraz Moghimi Won the 2020 Texas State 3MT® University Final Runner-Up, 2020.
Honor Society Membership. Fatema Tuz Zohra elected as a member of the Alpha Chi National College Honor Society, 2019.
Achievement Award. Fatema Tuz Zohra received Outstanding Achievement in International Education Award from International Students and Scholars Services, Texas State University, 2019.
Favorite Professor Award. Dr. Bahram Asiabanpour as awarded with The Alfred H. Nolle Chapter of the Alpha Chi National College Honor Society Favorite Professor, 2019.
1st Place Award. Allison Manning won the best undergraduate poster award and first runner up in overall category at Aerodef 2019 conference in Long Beach, CA
2nd Place Award. Riley Horner won the second best undergraduate poster award and second runner up in overall category at Aerodef 2019 conference in Long Beach, CA
Honorable Mention Award. Allison Manning and Albert Nandin won the Honorable Mention Award at the Texas State Undergraduate Research Conference 2019.
NSF GRFP Award. Natalie Ownby, National Science Foundation (2019-2022).
3rd Place Award. Riley Horner, WISE (2019) Conference.
Mariel M. Muir Excellence in Mentoring Award, Dr. Bahram Asiabanpour, Texas State University, (2018).
3rd Place Award. Natalie Ownby, The Ninth International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Houston, TX (2018).
Best Undergraduate Poster Award. Riley Horner won the at Aerodef 2018 conference in Long Beach, CA (2018).
Co-winner Top Award. Olaoluwa Aina (assisted by Mark Summers) at the Texas State Undergraduate Research Conference (2018) for the work: Computational Fluid Dynamics Study of an Atmospheric Water Generator (more than 100 submissions)
Honorable Mention Award. Alec Chamberlain (contributed by Riley Horner and Olaoluwa Aina ) at the Texas State Undergraduate Research Conference (2018) for the work NASA EPDC Additive Manufacturing Badge Development.
3rd Place Award. Riley Horner, WISE (2018) Conference.
People's Choice Award. Riley Horner and Elizabeth Alvizo at WISE (2018) Conference.
Distinguished Faculty Advisor Award. Dr. Asiabanpour Recognized for SME (2017) Distinguished Faculty Advisor Award.
Honor Society Membership. Zaid Almusaied elected as a member of the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, 2017.
Honor Society Membership. Zaid Almusaied elected as a member of the Golden Key International Honor Society, 2017.
Best Poster Award. Texas State University Undergraduate Research Conference (2017). "Thermo-acoustic Refrigeration System."
Marcus Mitchel, Undergraduate, MFGE.
Samuel Medicino, Undergraduate, IE.
Supervisor: Dr. Asiabanpour
People's Choice Award. "Factors that affect the temperature on Peltier devices." (2017). WISE Conference.
Kyle August, Undergraduate, EE
Supervisor: Dr. Asiabanpour
Best Research Award. "NASA Space Box." Texas State University Undergraduate Research Conference (2016).
Nicholas Hawkes, Undergraduate, MFGE.
Supervisor: Dr. Asiabanpour
Top Design Team Award. "Mars Drillers," NASA TSGC competition, Johnson Space Station- Houston, TX. (2014).
Bryan Avila, Undergraduate, MFGE.
Timothy Hartline, Undergraduate, MFGE.
Patrick Stalnaker, Undergraduate, MFGE.
Dillon Sterling, Undergraduate, MFGE.
Supervisor: Dr. Asiabanpour
Best Model Award. "Mars Drillers," NASA TSGC competition, Johnson Space Station- Houston, TX. (2014).
Bryan Avila, Undergraduate, MFGE.
Timothy Hartline, Undergraduate, MFGE.
Patrick Stalnaker, Undergraduate, MFGE.
Dillon Sterling, Undergraduate, MFGE.
Supervisor: Dr. Asiabanpour
Best Poster Award. "Mars Drillers," NASA TSGC competition, Johnson Space Station- Houston, TX.. (2014).
Bryan Avila, Undergraduate, MFGE.
Timothy Hartline, Undergraduate, MFGE.
Patrick Stalnaker, Undergraduate, MFGE.
Dillon Sterling, Undergraduate, MFGE.
Supervisor: Dr. Asiabanpour
Second Place. "Toyota production Line Fixture Design," SME International Competition. (2012).
Esmer Trevino, Undergraduate, MFGE.
Megan Taylor, Undergraduate, MFGE.
Ralph Schultz, Undergraduate, MFGE.
Hector Avila, Undergraduate, MFGE.
Supervisor: Dr. Asiabanpour
Distinguished Faculty Advisor Award. Society of Manufacturing Engineers.(2011) Dr. Asiabanpour
Highly Commended Award: Literati Club, For “SIS- a new SFF method based on powder sintering” paper, Rapid Prototyping Journal, Editorial team of Emerald, (2004) Dr. Khoshnevis and Dr. Asiabanpour
Best Paper Award. Among more than 100 papers in Iran’s 6th Industrial Engineering Conference, Tehran, Iran, (1999).

Awards Pictures
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