Useful Links
Sample Thesis Defense Presentation- Fatema Tuz Zohra
Structure For A Paper

Literature Review
How to Write a Literature Review in 30 Minutes or Less
1. Strip out summary paragraphs from research
2. Reorder summary paragraphs for the litrature review
3. Combine paragraphs if necessary
4. Add topic sentences and transitions to form literature review's body paragraphs
5. Add introduction and conclusion paragraphs to complete the literature review
How to do literature review (finding references) using Google Scholar
Research Paper Introduction
Research Poster
How to Give a Great Research Talk
Sample Research Presentations- Texas State International Graduate Conference 2021
Mark Summers: Atmospheric Water Generation Optimization Using Various Heat Transfer Mechanisms
Zaid Almusaeid: A Novel Design of Hybrid Hydrophilic-Superhydrophobic Surfaces for Fog Harvesting
Fatema Zohra: A Review- Super-cool Passive Heat Radiating Materials
Rafiqul Islam: Smart Passive Ambient Control for Indoor Vertical Farming by Simulation and Empirical Study
Muzaffer Akanda: Predict, Create, Control, and Maintain Optimum Living Condition for an Indoor Aquaponics System
Ricardo Ramirez: PMMA Optical Fiber for Solar Lighting Systems